Postdoctoral Research Associate
Adriana L. Romero-Olivares

We explore how fungi respond and adapt to global climate change to assess impacts to our ecosystems and to answer questions important in microbial ecosystem ecology and microbial evolution. Our main goal is to provide knowledge that will help us plan and mitigate the effects of global warming on Earth, while answering long-standing questions on microbial ecology and ecosystem-level consequences on biogeochemical cycles.
We are in the Department of Biology at New Mexico State University.
Lab news:
News for Fall 2024
- Congratulations to Sarah for succesfully defending her master's thesis!
- Good job to Karim for presenting his research in the NM-Amp symposium
- Welcome Renae and Brittany who will be working in our lab
- Welcome to Inoka who will be doing her PhD in our lab
- Welcome to Kate who will be doing her master's in our lab
News for Spring 2024
- Congratulations to Emily for graduating fom her master's in Biology with honors!
- Congratulations to Abril for graduating with her Bachelor's in Biology and receiving a Latinx stole from the Chicanx Programs!
- Congratulations to Shad for graduating with her Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering!
- Good job to Abril for presenting at the URCAS (Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium) at NMSU
- Congrats to Emily for succesfully defending her master's thesis!
News for Fall 2023
- Congrats to Sarah for wining the Native Plant Grant for NMSU Students! sponsored by the Las Cruces Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Mexico (LCNPSNM)
- Welcome Maya, Karim, and Caleb who started working in the lab in Fall 2023
News for Summer 2023
- Welcome Caleb and Harrison who will be working in our lab during the summer
- Congratulations to Jessica for graduating with her Bachelor's Degree in Biology
- Good luck to Andrea on her new job! We will miss her! And welcome to Jessica who will be our lab manager during the summer
News for Spring 2023
- Good job Sarah, Emily, and Shad for presenting a poster, and Daniela for giving a talk, at the Biosymposium 2023
- Congrats to Daniela for winning best talk at the URCAS (Undergraduate Research and Creative Arts Symposium) at NMSU!
- Congrats to Sarah and Emily for winning the Jornada LTER GRFP
- Good job Marcos, Abril, and Shad for presenting posters at URCAS and the Biosymposium 2023
- Congrats to Sarah for winning 2nd place on the 5-minute thesis competition at Research and Creativity week 2023!