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Lopez A., Anthony M., Catalan-Dibene J., Ferrenberg S., Jordan S., Osborne B., Reed S., Romero-Olivares A.L., “Dryland fungi are spatially heterogeneous and resistant to global change drivers in the northern Chihuahuan Desert”, in press, Ecosphere.

Romero-Olivares A.L., Lopez A., Catalan-Dibene J., Ferrenberg S., Jordan S.E., Osborne B., 2024. Effects of global change drivers on the expression of pathogenicity and stress genes in dryland soil fungi, mSphere, DOI:

Romero-Olivares A.L., Frey S.D., Treseder K.K., 2023. Tracking fungal species-level responses in soil environment exposed to long-term warming and associated drying, FEMS Microbiology Letters, DOI:

Hansen F., James D.K., Anderson J.P., Meredith C.S., Dominguez A.J., Pombubpa N., Stajich J.E., Romero-Olivares A.L., Salley S.W., Pietrasiak N., 2023. Landscape characteristics shape surface soil microbiomes in the Chihuahuan Desert, Frontiers in Microbiology, DOI:

Romero-Olivares A.L., Davie-Marie C.L., Kramshøj M., Rinnan R., Frey S.D., 2022. Soil volatile organic compound emissions in response to soil warming and nitrogen deposition, Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, DOI: 

Haelewaters D., Hofmann T.A., Romero-Olivares A.L., 2021. Ten simple rules for Global North researchers to stop perpetuating helicopter research in the Global South, Plos Computational Biology, DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009277.

Ishaq, S.L., Parada, F.J., Wolf, P.G., Bonilla, C.Y., Carney, M.A., Benezra, A., Wissel, E., Friedman, M., DeAngelis, K.M., Robinson, J.M., Fahimipour, A.K., Manus, M.B., Grieneisen, L., Dietz, L.G., Pathak, A., Chauhan, A., Kuthyar, S., Stewart, J.D., Dasari, M.R., Nonnamaker, E., Choudoir, M., Horve, P.F., Zimmerman, N.B., Kozik, A.J., Darling, K.W., Romero-Olivares, A.L., Hariharan, J., Farmer, N., Maki, K.A., Collier, J.L., O’Doherty, K., Letourneau, J., Kline, J., Moses, P.L., Morar, N. 2021. Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and Health Justice. mSystems, DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00471-21.

Romero-Olivares A.L., Morrison, E.W., Pringle, A., Frey, S.D. 2021. Linking genes to traits in fungi. Microbial Ecology, DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01687-x

Defrenne C., Abs E., Longhi Cordeiro A., Dietterich L., Hough M., Jones J.M., Kivlin S.N., Chen W., Cusack D., Franco A.L.C., Khasanova A., Stover D., Romero-Olivares A.L., 2021. The Ecology Underground Coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists. New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.17163

Xie H.W, Romero-Olivares A.L., Guindani M., Allison, S.D. 2020. A Bayesian approach to evaluation of soil biogeochemical models. Biogeosciences, DOI: 10.5194/bg-2020-23

Romero-Olivares A.L., Meléndrez-Carballo G., Lago-Lestón A., Treseder K.K. 2019. Soil metatranscriptomes under long-term experimental warming and drying: fungi allocate resources to cell metabolic maintenance rather than decay. Frontiers in Microbiology, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01914

DeAngelis K. M., Chowdhury P.R., Pold G., Romero-Olivares A.L., Frey, S. 2019. Ecosystem Consequences of Soil Warming Microbial Responses to Experimental Soil Warming: Five Testable Hypotheses. Elsevier Inc. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813493-1.00001-7

Allison S.D., Romero-Olivares A.L., Lu. Y., Taylor J.W., Treseder, K.K, 2018. Temperature acclimation and adaptation of enzyme physiology in Neurospora discreta. Fungal Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2018.07.005

Allison S.D., Romero-Olivares A.L., Lu Y., Taylor J.W., Treseder, K.K., 2018. Temperature sensitivities of extracellular enzyme Vmax and Km across thermal environments. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14045

Romero-Olivares A.L., Allison S.D., Treseder K.K., 2017. Decomposition of recalcitrant carbon under warming in boreal forest. PlosOne, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179674

Romero-Olivares A.L., Allison S.D., Treseder K.K., 2017. Soil microbes and their response to experimental warming over time: a meta-analysis of field studies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.12.026

Romero-Olivares A.L., 2017. Ph.D. Dissertation, “Adaptation of soil fungi to warming and consequences to decomposition and the carbon cycle”, University of California

Treseder K.K., Marusenko Y., Romero-Olivares A.L., Maltz M.R., 2016. Experimental warming alters potential function of the fungal community in boreal forest. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13238

Romero-Olivares A.L., Taylor J.W., Treseder K.K., 2015. Neurospora discreta as a model to assess adaptation of soil fungi to warming. BMC Evolutionary Biology, DOI: 10.1186/s12862-015-0482-2

Vargas-Gastélum L., Romero-Olivares A.L., Escalante A.E., Brizuela C., Rocha-Olivares A., Riquelme M., 2015. Impact of seasonal changes on fungal diversity of a semiarid ecosystem revealed by 454 pyrosequencing. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiv044

Catalán-Dibene J., Johnson S.M., Eaton R., Romero-Olivares A.L., Baptista-Rosas R.C., Pappagianis D., Riquelme M., 2014. Detection of coccidioidal antibodies in serum of a small rodent community in Baja California, Mexico. Fungal Biology, DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2014.01.006

Romero-Olivares A.L., Baptista-Rosas R.C., Escalante A.E., Bullock S., Riquelme M., 2013. Distribution patterns of Dikarya in arid and semiarid soils of Baja California, Mexico. Fungal Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2012.09.004

Baptista-Rosas R.C., Catalán-Dibene J., Romero-Olivares A.L., Hinojosa A., Cavazos-Perez M.T., Riquelme M., 2012. Molecular detection of Coccidioides spp. from environmental samples in Baja California: linking Valley Fever to soil and climate conditions. Fungal Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2011.08.004

Romero-Olivares A.L., 2010. M.S. Dissertation, “Caracterización de la biodiversidad fúngica de ecosystemas áridos de Baja California”, Autonomous University of Baja California

© Adriana L. Romero-Olivares 2024

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